I have registrants that are not being displayed on my public Current Registrants List, why are they missing?
In most cases, missing registrants is due to the fact that you have your event setup to require immediate payment. This setting can be changed in the "Edit Event Information" section, under "Payment Options": [...]
How can I manually add a registration (paper or walk in) to my event that was not submitted online?
If you are accepting mail in registrations or taking in registrations on location on the day of the event, you can simply open the link to your entry form and fill out the necessary information. This link is most easily accessible from within the "Manage Event' main menu, under 'Web Applets' - just click 'View Now' to open the form in a new window:Please note: If the registration form informs [...]
How can I edit a fee after registration has begun?
Once an entrant has registered and a fee has been placed in their cart, that fee can no longer be edited. Doing so would could create a balance on their order (either negative or positive), which would adversely impact the profitability of your event. When a fee has been initiated by an entrant, a warning is added to the "Edit Fee Options" page to warn the organizer of this situation: The [...]
I heard that you can score match races with the Regatta Network system but I don't seem to see that option listed under the scoring options.
Match race scoring is a customized setup that requires contacting Regatta Network first. We ask that you do this so that we can help walk you through the initial setup for your first time. If you're interested in hosting a match race, please give us a call at 512.392.9091 and we'll be happy to [...]
My crew status shows as "pending". How can I add my crew information to the registration system?
Using the edit link provided in your original signup email to edit any information on your registration. Crew information usually follows on the second or third step of the registration process.What 'signup email'?When the skipper, or person filling out the form, registered, an email was sent to the address entered on the registration form containing a link to edit the registration (as well as [...]
621 Lazy Lane, San Marcos, TX 78666